How to buy cheap Mtn/Tigo data bundles
step by step guide
log on to
login with my details email address below
1. click on buy Mtn Master internet / At Premium internet
2.Enter phone number you want to the data bundle NB dont click on buy for myself on next
4. click on proceed to order the type of bundle you want ranging from 1GB to 100GB on the selected data bundle size you need then tap on proceed to confirm order
7. select Mobile money for payment of bundle
NB Dont select CloubHub E wallet
8.After selecting Mtn mobile Money click on PayStack
then wait for initializing 1 pay with mobile money
10. type you mtn number on the space provided
e.g 0599********* on confirm payment
12. type the OTP code sent to your number to confirm
13. complete the authorization process by inputting your Pin on your phone
14. click yes to confirm payment
15. Scroll down to check if it has been delivered
wait for message of payment then sit and relax for 10 to 30 minutes
NB: working hours for data bundle purchase is monday to friday 8am to 8pm
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